

My mission is to help people enrich their personal & professional character through the application of “LifeBlueprints Success Components™” & Strategies.

Sharing the experiences of this personal challenge during all of my LifeBlueprints Success Components presentations has proven to provide encouragement, hope, and help to program participants with their personal challenges of life. Having been through this; I can personally relate to life’s toughest challenges and therefore share a message of hope and of never giving-up to all who hear. Professionally I can attest to the challenges associated with being an Entrepreneur as well. My personal & professional challenges have helped me to create a mind-set and attitude of never giving up and to always look forward to success on the horizon. This attitude has sustained my personal vision to always stay focused on the main things in life that matter most; which is for me becoming the very best that I can be for those I love and care about. Yes; that includes my work, my business, my family life, and my relationships with others.

Success Components:

✓ Leadership
✓ Invest In Relationships
✓ Follow Through
✓ Encourage
✓ Beliefs
✓ Legacy
✓ Unwavering Commitment

Success Components:

✓ Effort
✓ Passion
✓ Renewal
✓ Influence
✓ Notable Courage
✓ Trust
✓ Share

Program Objectives: To increase personal & professional…

✓ Commitment
✓ Effectiveness
✓ Productivity
✓ Purpose
✓ Passion
✓ Motivation
✓ Morale

Personal Enrichment

It is my belief and experience that people who are happy with their personal lives excel professionally at higher levels of success. “Life is to short to not be personally happy!” Once you are; professional happiness follows. Personal problems will pull you down professionally as in turn personal happiness will accelerate your professional life.

LifeBlueprints Success Components will help participants examine their present level of success and commitment to life and their profession; followed by an ultimate challenge to advance to a higher level of success and commitment through the increased application of targeted “LifeBlueprints Success Components”.

Your signature is a true reflection of your character. When people read your name; what do they think?

Professional Enrichment

Professional Enrichment and the passion to excel within the workplace is of paramount importance if we are to exceed our professional expectations. It’s so easy to become discouraged due to a significant decline in effective and productive professional relationships across America today. LifeBlueprints Success Components will address the heart of these relationships and the noteworthy importance of each. Working together as a unified team is critical throughout the journey of becoming your very best; both personally and professionally.

Motivational Speaking

Motivational Speaking has always been a personal passion; as I love to help people through their personal and professional challenges of life. I believe that music is a unifying language as it has a way of breaking down barriers and pulling people together. Using music in my presentations has always been important to me as it has always provided heart-felt results. Challenging people to become the very best that they can be has always been exciting to me.

Educational Programs

LifeBlueprints Success Components addresses all three critical audiences in Education.

  1. Student Assemblies/Small Group Sessions
  2. Parent Sessions
  3. Teacher Professional Development Sessions

Increasing the challenge to become your very best is at the heart of each Session. What kind of School would your school be if everyone gave their very best each day? With heartfelt music at the core of each session; both personal and professional results are guaranteed. This attitude and thought inspired three of my newest songs entitled “The Best Of Me”, “I Need You”, and “Eyes Of Your Heart”.

Health Care Sessions

As President of an Assisted Living Community in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; I have first hand experience as to the daily challenges and issues that confront Health Care in America today. I believe that it is imperative that Health Care Professionals begin each day with an attitude of excellence & excitement that is powerful enough to lift the human spirit of those they serve.

The challenge, responsibility, and expectation to inspire and encourage those that we serve is of paramount importance. This process within itself can facilitate personal enrichment and improvement in the lives of all clients.

Renew yourself daily; and “Lift Yourself by Lifting Others” is the daily challenge!

Your personal acceleration will ensure professional enrichment as well!

The finale’ of this Session is highlighted with Music that is guaranteed to move your employees toward the action of both personal & professional enrichment.


It is with great passion that I share LifeBlueprints Success Components in Faith-Based Organizations. LifeBlueprints Success Components & Strategies are shared with a personal and organizational challenge to move beyond where you presently are in terms of organizational success. Each “Success Component” is explained in a manner that all in attendance can relate to.

Music is always a major part of these presentations. It is through the message in each of my songs along with my personal testimony that proves to be of increased encouragement to all in attendance.

The songs “The Best of Me”, Sunday’s Coming”, and “Prayer Changes Things” are at the core of this presentation as they  set the tone for a heart-felt challenge to increase personal levels of enrichment and commitment.